About me

Hi, I’m Marayke.

I’m a three time Paralympian and multiple medal winner, motivational speaker self leadership expert and lucky enough to have ticked all the big items off my bucket list before I turned 30.

I’m here to help you dive deep into your life, and become unstoppable at achieving your own dreams no matter what challenges cross your path.

Learn the mindset secrets of an elite athlete and how they apply in your life.
Whether you want to be an elite athlete, get a promotion at work, or find your passion again after an injury or losing your job dive deep within uncover how to move from where you are now to where you want to be. Redefine your beliefs about what is possible to achieve in life if you really want it.

Got big dreams but they’re just not coming together as fast or the way you want?
Facing a major life change, like an injury and wondering where to from here?
Feel like there’s got to be more to your life-your were born for greatness of to do be and GIVE more- but don’t know where to start? Trust me, I’ve felt the same way. As a Paralympic athlete life was better than I could imagine. It seemed everything I touched turned to gold. Yes, I had to train hard but I got the results beyond my wildest dreams- despite what many may have considered the ‘obstacle’ of getting around in a wheelchair.
Then I had to compete with serious injury, and faced a life threatning infection and surgeries. I learned the mind is the strongest muscle in the body and how we chose to react to challenges that try to stop us in our tracks is what makes us unsatisfied or unstoppable.


When I was a baby I was run over by a car and became a paraplegic, but fortunately when the doctors told my mother would never walk again she decided to teach me to swim instead. I learned early that no matter what happens to you, it’s what YOU chose to do about it that counts.

As a young girl I watched the Olympics on TV and dreamed of representing my country as a swimmer. But my journey differently to most elite athletes, because while watching that TV I was seated in a small pink wheelchair. I chose not to see that wheelchair as an obstacle, but what made me unique.

Now I have competed at three Paralympics winning a silver and two bronze medals, broken world records, travelled around the world, skydived, graduated from university with two degrees, studied life coaching and even ridden a camel at the Pyramids Egypt- always with my wheelchair in tow. I even made history when I became Australia’s first female triathlete to compete at and win a medal at the world championships.

Life tried to stop me…

In 2011 I suffered an overuse injury to my arms from using a wheelchair for 30 years, swimming triathlon. Now living in excruciating pain I went from being so strong I could pick up my body and to dropping a piece of toast. Imagine going from being an elite athlete being unable to do simple things like use a mouse and keyboard to operate a computer. Then imagine your job is as a journalist and you rely on using a computer for work- that was my life. And yet again I fought back against the injury trying to stop my dream career as a journalist and went on to become a travel fashion and Paralympic sport reporter by using to voice control a computer.

In 2015 life was going great, I loved my job and was set to travel overseas for work when I fell over, cut my foot and nearly died from an infection which became systemic. Two surgeries and 6 months of antibiotics later I was on the road to recovery but continued chasing my career dreams working from my hospital bed to file articles and deliver speches over skype. I live with the painful and difficult challenges of these injuries daily. Despite this I continue to believe my role is to make a difference in the world by spreading the message that obstacles are part of life so it's not what happens to you that is important, but how you choose to react to it and so I continue to work as a motivational speaker and journalist. I started and run a charity empowering other athletes and disabilities called sporting Dreams.

I believe you don't need to be able to stand up to stand out.

I am Marayke Jonkers and I am unstoppable.

I’ve learned so much along my journey.

I want to help you feel unstoppable too and live your #unstoppabledreams

Here’s how

I believe YOU don’t need to face your own life changing injury of illness for this to happen- I’m going to share what I’ve learned on my journey so you can start NOW.

I believe you are stronger than you ever imagined

I believe obstacles are simply part of life sent not to stop us to challenge us to become better at lateral thinking to achieve our dreams.

I believe in YOU

I believeachieving your goals no matter what tries to stop you is not about what happens TO US but how we chose to react to it. I believe success and happiness are a result not of what we want but appreciating what we already have and focussing on what we CAN DO. I believe our daily life is a reflection of our inner thoughts and how we choose to live.

So what is self leadership and how will it change my your life?

Have you ever wished someone could just give you all the answers? That when faced with a great opportunity or challenge you instinctively knew what to do? Do you wonder why do some people struggle and never reach their goals, while others are successful beyond their wildest imaginiation and unstoppable in chasing down their dreams! What if there was a way… the answer I have learned from elite sport through to overcoming life threatening illness and injury is self leadership.I know how challenging life can be. From an accident that paralysed me as a baby to becoming a 3 time Paralympic medallist and world record holder, I never stopped daring to dream big, setting goals and never giving up no matter what obstacles life throws in your path or what tried to stop me reaching those dreams. By learning to lead yourself you will be swimming your own race in life in complete control not living someone elses dreams or watching opportunity pass you by.

Why launch this challenge?

So many people ask me where I get my motivation from, and how I always have a smile on my face and these days, now I’ve achieved my own sporting dreams my passion is mentoring others to live their own gold medal life all endeavours of life. I love meeting people like you and sharing my experiences along the way as I encourage you to DREAM BIG and your journey towards your ‘heart goals’ be it recovering from an injury or striving for excellence- diving deep inside to the reservoir of potential inside each an everyone of us.
Last year I almost died.
Reflecting on my life, I realised just how fortunate I was to have achieved everything I wanted to in life, and be in a position that I could face a life and death situation with no regrets. There was just one thing left I wanted to do and I vowed if I pulled through the surgery to do it.
That ‘last wish’ was to find a bigger platform than speaking engagements to share my story and life learnings with many more people for the rest of my life so you too can achieve your unstoppable dreams. So I’m sharing the exact mindset and processes I used in both achieving kick arse sporting goals and fighting back after injury to win medals or lead a meaningful life into a 12 step my step process- and now I’m sharing it with you.
I’ve put together 12 of my best tips for living a gold medal life achieving not just setting your unstoppable dreams. Now I want to give that to you for free and get to know all of your stories dreams and challenges so I can be your personal cheerleader. So in addition to the email challenge we will have a private facebook group of #unstoppabledreamers to share our journey.

So how does this challenge work?

Over 12 days you’ll receive daily emails from me with a single story, tip or strategy for living a gold medal life and reaching your unstopabble dreams. The important bit is the daily challenge is about YOU and your dreams. So each day you will receive a daily challenge to complete- and if you wish share with the facebook group.
Don’t worry the challenges aren’t physical- I’m not trying to turn you into an elite athlete (unless that’s your own wish), nor will they be woo woo yoga deep breathing and crystals.
This is the exact blueprint for how I live my life with great memories to look back on, something to enjoy daily and something to look forward to and able to
Yes the challenges may be confronting and make you think or reflect. Remember “Nothing changes unless you do” so be prepared to embrace the challenge with an open mind.
You can also choose to join the private Facebook group with everyone else in the challenge – so you can share the journey with a tribe of unstoppable dreamers at the same time.
It’s 100% free to join so everyone chasing their unstopabble dreams or rebuilding a life filled with passion can join in- and we have an unstopbble dream team cheering you on and sharing your journey.

Is this challenge right for you?

This challenge won’t be for everyone. If your content to life your life the way it is now, you have no incentive to commit to the challenges and change.


  • You’re ready to upscale your life and attract more fun satisfaction and success.
  • You’re feeling ‘stuck’ like something is stopping you moving forward in life.
  • You’re so busy 'earning' a living that you've no time to actually ‘live’ enjoy each day and chase your big dreams?
  • You're living a life reacting to other peoples needs doing what’s urgent rather than important, not creating the life of your dreams by design?
  • You don’t find something that makes you smile everyday
  • You have nothing to look forward to
  • You don’t feel proud of yourself


Your life is kick arse awesome and you wouldn’t change a thing- bravo go you good thing I’m so thrilled for you. Perhaps you can be an inspiration to our many unstopple dreamers by sharing your story in our facebook group You’re not open to taking in new points of view or getting out of your comfort zone.

I’ll be sending you a daily task to take on and it may not always be something in your comfort zone. But you know what? It’s only when we choose to step outside our comfort zone that we can really grow. We like to stay where things are familiar, where it’s safe and warm, but the only way to change for the better is to step up and into what scares you. That first step into the unknown is always scary but the pay off is worth it.
So, if you’re ready to dive head first into your new life, sign up for the unstoppable dreams challenge, I know you’re going to love it!

Got questions?

I love the way you think,

1. Why online: This allows us to connect right around Australia and even around the world, and build a tribe of #unstoppable dreamers. Of course I will still be connecting in person via motivational speaking but this allows me to meet so many more of you

2. Will it take me long to do the challenges- no more than 5 minutes a day to read- but you may wish to think about the concepts longer.

3. Do I have to know my goals- no we’ll help figure that out!

So, if you’re ready to dive head first into your new life, SIGN UP for the unstoppable dreams challenge, I know you’re going to love it!

Join challenge



Testimonial 1

“Thankyou for your compelling story. The style in which you delivered the information struck a cord with the young audience” Chris McHigh CEO RSL QLD. “Something she does brilliantly is use sport and her experience as a metaphor for life.We’re blessed to be in her company.” Kym Morrison Founder Twenty8 “To hear her you just know anything is possible”

Fleur Wheeligan

Testimonial 2

"I have had the honour of sharing the stage with Marayke on numerous occasions. Her presentations are dynamic, insightful and of a professional standard. I highly recommend her to you."

Dr Dennis Waitley Founder of The Waitley Institute, mentor to Nasa astronauts and the US Olympic Team.

Testimonial 3

"The students were inspired, not only by her significant achievements, but by who she is and her strong character. The girls were captured by her visual presentation and goal-oriented message that "they can pursue their dreams!"Marayke embodies the key message of Shine as she values her worth, strength and purpose, and pursues to place these values on others."

Nina Sharpe Citipointe Shine Co-ordinator

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